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Dec 09, 2024

Beginner to Solidity

After taking the beginner course on cyfrin updraft, i am trying to build something so i can cement the knowledge, but it's as if i know nothing. Really making me sad. What advice will you guys give

  • Smart Contract
  • Solidity


Dec 10 2024, 15:03

This beginner course is not supposed to give you all the knowledge to build ground-breaking things, it's more about understanding of the basic concepts. If you understand the overall solidity development cycle (write code -> build -> deploy to testnet -> invoke txs for testing) and have some ideas what to google if you forget some CLI command or syntax details - you're good to go!

Don't worry about not being able to build DEX or smth complex right away, even with a decade of experience programming other things blockchains can be extremely confusing in some ways. Check out intermediate courses on cyfrin or other resources, and most importantly focus on things which made you interested in solidity, whether it's a desire to build some product or career opportunities or just curiosity - remember why you got into it and google/LLM the remaining technical details until you get there

Also, if you'll provide a bit more context maybe I'll be able to be more helpful

Best Answer
Dec 10 2024, 15:17

What is your prior programming experience? Is this the first programming language you’ve learned?

If it is your first programming language, just keep practicing and try to have fun along the way. Check examples, try to understand the logic line by line, and then attempt to replicate something similar.

It takes time and effort for your brain to adapt to the way of thinking required for fluent programming. But it will happen if you keep trying. It’s like an "aha!" moment at some point, and things begin to go more smoothly after that.

Good luck!

Dec 11 2024, 21:29

Thank you guys, this is really helpful. Maybe i will just go on with the course for now, and understand the concept more and try to build something later


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