Делитесь своими мыслями с сообществом Solidity
20- ОбсуждениеFeb 27, 2025
путь к аудиту смарт-контрактов
какой совет вы дадите тому, кто только начинает аудит смарт-контрактов
- Smart Contract
- Solidity
- Yul
01 - ОбсуждениеFeb 24, 2025
Привет, ребята, я здесь новичок. Я надеялся, что кто-нибудь даст мне ссылки для эффективного изучения надежности.
//Идентификатор лицензии SDPX: MIT надежность прагмы 0.8.24; контракт «Привет, мир!» { строка общедоступная Hello World; } //Просто нужно было что-то добавить сюда
- Smart Contract
- Solidity
02 - ОбсуждениеDec 09, 2024
Новичок в области солидности
Пройдя курс для начинающих по использованию шифрина, я пытаюсь создать что-то, что могло бы закрепить свои знания, но мне кажется, что я ничего не знаю. Меня очень огорчает. Какой совет вы, ребята, дадите
- Smart Contract
- Solidity
23Лучший ответ - ОбсуждениеSep 13, 2024
Seeking Freelance Opportunities for Beginner Solidity Developer"
I have been studying Solidity for a couple of weeks and do not have any previous IT background. Are there any opportunities for me to get freelance work or earn money with my current skills?
- Solidity
- Use cases
00 - ОбсуждениеJul 24, 2024
I am new to Solidity! I wanted to say hello to this awesome community in hopes that it will get me out of my shell, and hopefully meet new people. I have zero programming experience, but love crypto. When posting questions in these forums is there a certain format I should post my question in, and/or any not so obvious rules I should follow in these forums? Thank you for taking the time to read, and leaving a reply!
- Smart Contract
- Solidity
- Use cases
01 - ОбсуждениеJul 13, 2024
Career Path in WEB3 Auditing: Project Building or Learning Auditing First?
Hi everyone, I've recently completed the Solidity and Foundry basic and advanced courses with Cyfrin Updraft. I'm contemplating my next steps and considering a career in Solidity. Should I start learning smart contract auditing at this stage, or would it be more beneficial to first create some projects to solidify my current knowledge? Looking forward to your advice!
- Smart Contract
- Solidity
01 - ОбсуждениеMay 31, 2024
Reentrancy Vulnerability
Hello everyone , I've noticed that the offer function uses the .call{value: amount}("") method to send Ether to the recipient's address. Could anyone provide insight into whether this function is indeed vulnerable to reentrancy and suggest any best practices or modifications to mitigate such risks? function _offer(address to, uint256 amount) internal { balance -= amount; (bool success, ) = to.call{value: amount}(""); if (!success) { revert TransferFailed(address(0), address(this), to, amount); } } `
- Smart Contract
- Solidity
- Solidity Compiler
01 - ОбсуждениеApr 04, 2024
About the flash loan
Hello guys, I have a question what if a user borrows $1000 from the lending pool and user does some stuff? Now what if a user transfers that money to another address and destroys his wallet? Because the user already transferred to another contract how would he get reverted with $1000 into the lending pool now?
- Solidity
01 - ОбсуждениеApr 03, 2024
MEV bot creation
Hi, How could we create a MEV bot? I want to test it
- Solidity
02 - ОбсуждениеMar 28, 2024
Diff between DOS and MEV attack
Hi all, I have a query that can anyone explain main difference between DOS and MEV attack ? Because both leads to gas related issues. Transaction reverts in the both cases which leads to an error. So anyone clarify it ?
- Solidity
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- Solidity
- Smart Contract
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- My ERC721 contract successfully deploys, but I can't verify the contract's source code with hardhat21
- Solidity and ethers.js Compute Different Addresses from the Same Signature21
- can't understand what are the locations(uint256)22
- How to reverse keccak256 in solidity22
- Clarification on Gas Refunds and Comparison Between "require" and "revert" in Smart Contracts21